Baptist Collegiate Ministries

What is BCM?

Baptist Collegiate Ministries, or better known as BCM, is an official campus organization of Carson-Newman University and Campus Ministries. BCM’s mission is for students, faculty and staff to experience God through love, worship, community and service.

We meet every Wednesday from 8-9 p.m. for worship in the basement of First Baptist Church across from Burnett Residence Hall. These student-led services include worshipping through song, prayer and fellowship. Worship is led each week by a student-led band known as Seed Company.

Seed Company is the official student-led worship band for BCM at Carson-Newman University. The band leads worship for BCM every Wednesday night but is also capable of leading worship at local churches and events.

To apply for Seed Company, please click here.

The BCM Communications Team focuses on getting the word out to students about programs and events as well as letting others know about how to be involved with BCM activities.

What do we do?

  • Take pictures
  • Facebook Page– Carson-Newman BCM
  • Instagram– @CNBCM
  • BCM Announcements
  • Signs
  • Fliers
  • Newsletters
  • Sign-ups
  • BCM’s Homecoming Float
  • End of the year re-cap video

Some examples of the types of ministries we have participated in include:

  • Homeless and poverty population
  • Bingo at local nursing homes
  • At-risk children & youth
  • AMOS & Samaritan House
  • Raising money for sex trafficking victims
  • Heffer International
  • Christmas caroling
  • Freshman Move-In
  • Operation InAsMuch
  • Bible studies & small groups

We are serving somewhere each month and would love to have YOU get involved!

The Missions Team is designed to practically share the love of Christ through many different ministry opportunities and experiences. If you are willing to do this then you can apply! Whether you have a ton of missional experience or this will be your first time, all are welcome to these life-changing opportunities!

Campus Ministries and Baptist Collegiate Ministries at Carson-Newman University are now teaming up with the GenSend program to send students all across the world to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone!

History & Tradition

The Baptist Student Union (BSU), now Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) of Carson-Newman University, was established in 1923 as one of the first BCM organizations in the nation.

BCM is a nationally recognized ministry located on over 1,000 campuses nation-wide.  While BCM is the official name for our organization, several states use different terms for our ministry.  Some examples are: Baptist Student Union (BSU), Baptist Student Ministries (BSM), and Christian Challenge.   

Through the years, Carson-Newman has distinguished itself with an exceptionally strong student ministry tradition of worship, service, discipleship, and fellowship. Here at Carson-Newman, BCM works with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Global Outreach (GO), Appalachian Ministries of the Smokies (AMOS), Reformed United Fellowship (RUF) and other Christian clubs/organizations to provide a unified focus on reaching our campus and world for Christ.


BCM at Carson-Newman has consistently served as one of the national leaders in the area of Christian missionary service, with large numbers of students and alumni serving in local, national, and international missions every year.

Each fall, spring, and May Term, Campus Ministries sends out hundreds of students on mission trips and community service experiences.  Our students are compelled to serve by Christ’s mandate of “loving our neighbor” and this is seen through their dedication to serve “the least of these” locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

However, our students don’t stop serving once it is summer break. We send out many summer missionaries volunteering through mission organizations, churches, camps, para-church organizations, and other opportunities to spend their summer serving Christ and serving others.

Service is not only a part of our BCM but also our DNA as a university!  An average of 69% of our students serve weekly in some sort of local ministry or non-profit and BCM provides several opportunities each month to serve our campus, community, and most importantly Christ!



Phone: (865) 471-3536

Jonathan Akin

Vice President for Church Relations & Campus Ministries

Jeremiah Young

Director of Campus Ministries

Robin Inman

Associate Director – Campus Ministries